Do you smudge with windows open or closed?

white sage smudge stick with bowl and quartz crystal

When smudging, it’s generally recommended to have your windows open. Here’s why: 

Allowing Negative Energy to Exit

The primary purpose of smudging is to cleanse a space of negative or stagnant energy. By opening windows, you provide an escape route for this energy, allowing it to leave your home or space rather than lingering and settling elsewhere. 

Facilitating Airflow

The smoke produced by smudging can become overwhelming in a closed environment. Open windows help to circulate the air, preventing the space from becoming too smoky and ensuring that the cleansing process is comfortable for those involved. 

Symbolism of Release

In many traditions, the act of opening windows during smudging symbolizes the release of old energies and the invitation of new, fresh energy. It’s a physical manifestation of the cleansing process, reinforcing your intention to clear out negativity and welcome positivity. 

Preventing Smoke Buildup

Smudging with closed windows can lead to a buildup of smoke, which might not only be uncomfortable but also potentially irritating to your lungs and eyes. By keeping the windows open, you ensure that the smoke remains at a manageable level. 

However, there are exceptions: 

Cold Weather

If it’s particularly cold outside, you might not want to leave windows wide open. In such cases, cracking the windows slightly or opening them for short periods during the smudging process can still allow for energy and smoke to exit without letting too much cold air in. 

Privacy Concerns

If you’re concerned about privacy or live in a crowded area, you can briefly open the windows during the most intense part of the smudging and close them afterward. The key is to ensure that there is some airflow to carry away the smoke and negative energy. 

In summary, smudging with windows open is the preferred method, as it facilitates the release of negative energy and prevents smoke buildup. However, if you must keep them closed for any reason, try to create some airflow to ensure that the energy is effectively cleared from your space. 

 Author: Coralee Roberts

Coralee is a passionate health and wellness advocate with a deep understanding of holistic living. Driven by a desire to empower herself and others to achieve optimal health and well-being, she has been practicing smudging and energy cleansing for several years. In 2024, Coralee decided to formalize her knowledge and completed a certificate in smudging, deepening her understanding of this transformative practice. Through her writing and teachings, Coralee aims to inspire and support others on their own paths towards wellness and resilience.